Thermo King Valve Cov Khoom Siv Kho ETV 40-1472

Thermo King Valve Cov Khoom Siv Kho ETV 40-1472

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Thermo King Valve Kit Kho ETV

Rau Suit: SLX / SLXi FROM S / N: GLW1082259 to GLW1172178

T-1200 los ntawm S/N: GLW1087338 to GLW1179183

Catalogue Number:

Thermo King


40-1313, 401313

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Zoo Danfoss thawj qhov chaw, kev ruaj ntseg zoo!
Xav paub ntau ntxiv cov ntaub ntawv khoom thov hu rau peb
Chav tsev:
Hom qauv
SLXi SLXi Spectrum / 300 Whisper Pro / 200 / 100 / 200-50 / Spectrum-50
SWB 310+/330/310
T-Series 1200R SPECTRUM / 1080S / 1000 SPECTRUM / 1080R / 1000R / 1200R / 1090 / 1280 SPECTRUM / 1000S
SLX 400 SLX Whisper / 400 / 300 / 400 50 / Spectrum / 100 / 300e-50 / 400-50 / 400e-50 / Spectrum-50
SLXe 300 / 400 / Spectrum / 400-50 / Spectrum-50

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